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2019 Volunteers

The Nickel Open Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who make this event successful. Without the support of family, friends and the community, we couldn't pull this off alone! 

It truly takes a village, and we are proud to introduce ours:

Brian & Patty Bolz

Mark & Jo Olsen

Gil & Sherrie Hunstad

Steve & Kelly Cox

Kaela Fahey

Jesse Miller

Jeff Temte & Bianca Hagg

Molly & Nancy Gould

Josh Hunstad & Family

Tom Nikunen

Randi & Todd Jackson

Brad & Sophia Hagg

Scott & Cindy Larson

Alliyah Grady

Caleb Hunstad

Dennis & Terri Hunstad

Tara McMullen & Family

Heather Sharkey & Brady Lamberson

Jim Pratt

Kallie Trutnau

Lexi Johnson

Sami Ryan

Ali Pauly

Chad & Emily Sandey

Jackie Payton

Jeff & Kathy Lundy

Brian, Cathy & Tony Hunstad

Dawn Nygren

Justine Lloyd

Austin Baab

Baltazar Estrada & Lisa Guter

Diane MacDonald

Debbie Hunstad

Dani Schoenberger

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